2012 North East Youth Sheep Show
North East Youth Sheep Show (July 2012)

This past weekend I once again made my annual trek to the NEYSS in Springfield, MA. As always it was great weekend with good people, good sheep and good food. The Romney show was the second largest breed show with 19 exhibitors and 79 entries from 7 states. Most entries were from the northeast area but entries also came as far away as Florida. Much work was done to get the sheep there and prepared but there was still time for fun interaction. The sheep were very well presented and the quality was deep.
At this youth show, the youth must do the work. It is up to the exhibitor to find help for the show ring. This is where teamwork and networking come into play. Showing sheep is a team sport and it is important to develop friendships and alliances to get the job done. It would make you proud to see how hard these kids are working. No matter the breed preferences, they were a success with their positive energy, their focus on task and their ability to work in a cooperative manner to achieve goals. Congratulations to all involved.

Champion white ram went to Emma Morton (RI) with Reserve going to Ethan Kennedy (NY). Emma also had Champion and Reserve White Romney ewe, first in Flock, Best Fleece and Best Head. Champion and Reserve Champion Natural Colored Ram went to Sadie Moore (NH). Ethan Kennedy (NY) had Champion Natural Colored Ewe and was later pulled out for consideration in the Supreme drive. Reserve Natural Colored Ewe was Sadie Moore (NH) with first Flock and Best Fleece. Best Natural Colored Head came from Josh Landry (NH). More specific placings can be found on their web site.
Thanks to all the support systems that go into any show, youth or otherwise. Appreciation to all those moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, 4-H and FFA leaders that enable our youth to actually get to these shows. The Romney breed is doing very well and our youth are setting a positive image.