ARBA Board Meeting 11-6-2013
Meeting called to order at 8:49 PM EST (via conference call)
Present: Ron Andress, Jane Caulfield, Hilary Chapin, Scott Culver, Tracy Haslem, Chris Posbergh, John Shelton, Al Schwider, and Margaret Van Camp
- October 30, 2013, Carolyn Avery resigned her position as Secretary-Treasurer of ARBA due to ongoing health problems.
Motion to accept her resignation brought by Al Schwider, seconded by Scott Culver. Passed unanimously on a voice vote.
- Several board members met at Rhinebeck in an informal meeting to discuss possible options for replacement.
- As a result of this meeting, Ron contacted Christiane Payton and JoAnn Mast
- Christiane agreed to accept the position of ARBA treasurer for an annual salary of $900. She agreed to the following duties:
- Keep the financial records of ARBA
- Send out monthly or quarterly account information
- Pay bills
- Receive payments
- Oversee annual audit
- Work with president on budget
- Coordinate with secretary
Motion to appoint Christiane Payton as ARBA treasurer brought by Al Schwider, seconded by Scott Culver. Passed unanimously on a voice vote.
- JoAnn Mast agreed to accept the position of ARBA Secretary for an annual salary of $1500. She agreed to the following duties:
- Keep the minutes of all meetings
- Control the membership list
- Act as liaison as needed between ASR and treasurer
- Act as the link between the board and the webmaster
- Respond to requests for information from members / direct members to the appropriate resources
- Coordinate with Ramblings editor
- Assist with elections
- Update and distribute the annual membership directory
- Coordinate with the treasurer
- Travel to annual meetings
Motion to appoint JoAnn Mast as the secretary of ARBA brought by Scott Culver, seconded by Tracy Haslem. Passed unanimously on a voice vote.
- Next meeting: January 11 at 1 pm EST
Motion to adjourn brought by Scott Culver, seconded by Al Schwider. Passed unanimously on a voice vote.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm EST
Submitted by: Margaret VanCamp, Director at Large-Acting as recording secretary