NIAA Antibiotic Stewardship Symposium 10/31-11/2/17
The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) announces the seventh in its series of Antibiotics Symposia: Antibiotic Stewardship: Collaborative Strategy for Animal Agriculture and Human Health. All sectors of the animal food production industry and partners in human medicine and public health will come together for collective and continued dialogue around one of the most important topics in animal and human health today.
At this year’s symposium, leaders from all parts of our industry—from farmers to processors to retailers—will join with veterinarians, researchers and experts in human and public health and representatives of Federal and state agencies to present new information and talk about their experiences in adapting to a rapidly changing business environment and marketplace. We will recognize the progress our industry has made while acknowledging the continued challenges we face going forward. We will hear some of the latest developments and hear practical suggestions on managing change. We’ll review ways of communicating and getting our message out so that consumers have accurate and reliable information. And as always, we will seek identify our common values, share our knowledge and experiences in discussion and honest dialogue and look for areas of consensus on strategies to take us into the future.
This year’s Symposium will be held October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency Dulles, Herndon, VA.