2017 NAILE Show
North American International Livestock Expo held their annual livestock show in November 2017. All species of livestock were exhibited in the famous show ring on the prestigious GREEN shavings. Thousands of spectators viewed the shows at Louisville, Kentucky and many, many more watched from home on the live-stream web cast. The internet has brought a whole new aspect to the show world. Livestock showing is more advanced than it was ten years ago. This annual event was kicked off with the NAILE Romney Junior pizza party on Friday, all of the exhibitors (and families) were brought together for a meet and greet. Developing friendships and net working is a very important part of the livestock associations and a great building block for the future. All the Junior Exhibitors received a Royal Blue Jacket with the Romney logo on it as a gift for supporting and exhibiting at our Romney show. Generous donations were received from youth supporters to help purchase the jackets and awards.
The Romney debut was the first weekend of the sheep shows. The Romneys were well represented with 34 head entered. Exhibitors were: Alex Rogers (NJ), Megan and Cadence Higgins (CT), Ethan and Caitlin Plank (MI), Teresa and Catherine Hromis (NH), Ethan Kennedy (NY), Weston Pettit (OH), and Lindsey and Katelyn Schmoll (WI). Judging the youth show was Jason Heeg from MT. Champion Ram went to Megan Higgins on her Intermediate Natural Colored ram lamb and Reserve Champion Ram was Ethan Plank on a Junior Natural Colored ram lamb. Champion Ewe went to Ethan Kennedy on an Intermediate White ewe lamb, Reserve Champion Ewe went to Megan Higgins with her White Yearling ewe. Best White Fleece on the hoof went to Ethan Kennedy and Best Colored Fleece on the hoof went to Weston Pettit. Best Romney Head went to Teresa Hromis on her Natural Colored ewe lamb.
The Open Show was held on Thursday, November 16, 2017. White and natural colored had their own divisions and were judged by Sam Wiford from Wapakoneta, Ohio. Grand Champion White Ram was a Yearling owned by Caitlin Plank and Reserve Champion went to Little Hooves’ Winter Ram Lamb. Grand Champion Ewe was a yearling owned by Little Hooves Romneys and Reserve Champion Ewe was on a spring ewe lamb owned by Catherine Hromis. Best White Fleece on the hoof was a winter ewe lamb owned by Ethan Kennedy. Best Flock and Premier Exhibitor of White Romneys went to Little Hooves Romneys.
Grand Champion Natural Color Ram was a Yearling owned by Ethan Plank and Reserve Champion Ram went to Ethan Plank’s Spring Ram lamb. Grand Champion Natural Color Ewe was a Yearling owned by Ethan Kennedy and Reserve Champion Ewe was a Winter ewe lamb owned by Little Hooves Romneys. Best Natural Colored Fleece on the hoof was the Spring ewe lamb owned by Cadence Higgins. Best Flock and Premier Exhibitor of Natural Colored Romney was Ethan Plank.
Over all, the Romney show had slightly lower entry numbers, but the quality was super. The judge, Sam Wiford, was really impressed by the quality and presentation of our Romneys and stated how much he enjoyed being the judge.
This show is the one of the few premier livestock shows in the United States. The promotion of the Romney at this event is unmeasured. Two new Romney breeders showed here for the first time this year and plan to return next year, we had one new sister show this year after her older sister showed last year and two new breeders joined the Romney world after watching the Romneys all week in the barn. Romneys are alive and well and have a lot to offer the sheep industry. It is up to all Romney Breeders to keep us in the fore front with a positive image, positive press and a positive bottom line.
(See earlier article for pictures from the show)