ARBA Annual Meeting 6-29-2018
Minutes of the annual meeting: June 29, 2018
ARBA Annual Meeting
The 2018 meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association was called to order by President, Chris Posbergh, at 8:15 p.m. PDT on June 29, 2018. The annual meeting and dinner were held at the Cascade Grill in Albany, Oregon. The meeting was held near the Linn County Fair and Expo Grounds, site of the 2018 Black Sheep Gathering.
Participants introduced themselves and their involvement in the sheep industry. Thirty six individuals took part in the dinner and meeting. Prior to dinner, Jake Valentine of Dark Side Shearing in Scio, OR provided an overview of the marketing he is doing with fleece sales. His use of facebook and real time sales has been an effective tool in locating fiber buyers and potential clients across the country.
ARBA Secretary/Treasurer, JoAnn Mast, presented an overview of the activities of the association and provided a current balance for the checking account and certificate of deposit. The reports were accepted by a vote of the membership on a Scott Culver/Anne McIntyre motion.
Chris gave the President’s report, highlighting the increase in sheep registrations and memberships. Although the increases were small, and transfers were down a slight amount, the total income was above the previous year due to the increase in fees initiated at the first of the year. The youth futurity program was outlined, indicating the inclusion of farm raised animals this year and the increase in participation from those entries and from sales supported by ARBA. Youth shows, and a ewe lamb raffle sponsored by Little Hooves Romneys were also explained. Monies from the raffle will support youth showing Romneys at the All American Sheep Show and at NAILE. The Romney Ramblings was also discussed, indicating the secretary will resume duties as editor and that the format will be modified to offer a more complete reporting of board activities, industry news and practices useful to the membership. Input and articles will be encouraged and solicited. Chris also reported the board will be working on a strategic plan for ARBA during the board meeting June 30. A thank you was given Sue Kalina for her work planning the meeting locations and dinner for the annual meeting.
Table decorations, prepared by members of the Oregon Romney Breeders Association, were raffled as door prizes, with the following winners announced: Betsy McPherson, Elaine Thompson, Scott Culver, Maryjo Haslem and Rebecca Harkins.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m. PDT with a vote of approval on a motion by Anne McIntyre Lahner/Scott Culver.
Submitted by
JoAnn Mast, ARBA Secretary