Hello ARBA Members: Plans are well under way for the 2019 National Romney Show, which will be held September 6-8 at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in Jefferson Wisconsin. Additional information can be found on their website: https://wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. The website is not completely updated with 2019 show information. Stay tuned for more details on […]
Hi! Lambing has just been winding down for us here in Oregon. Lambing season is always my favorite, but its end is always a highlight because no more night checks and finally getting to sleep more than 4 hours at a time! After some really weird weather (snow in the Willamette Valley is unheard of), […]
Washington County (NY) Fiber Tour – Quality and Diversity. The Tour celebrates its 27th annual free event, April 27-28, 2019, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participating are 9 farms (including three that raise Romneys) and a fiber spinning mill. washingtoncountyfibertour.org Our scenic County, which borders Vermont, is the most active and productive agricultural county in […]
I hope everyone’s lambing went, is going, or will go well with many romney lambs thriving despite some of the weather folks have been experiencing. Elections are only a couple of months away for the American Romney Breeders Association. The following positions will be contested this year: President, Vice President, Director at-large, District Directors for […]
The 3rd Annual Summit will be a gathering of farmers, makers, designers, manufacturers, and others interested in strengthening the Hudson Valley sustainable farm to fabric supply chain. Featured keynote speaker (and book signing) Stephany Wilkes, author of Raw Material. Summit Registration Fee ($30/person) covers facility rental, meals, and parking charges. There is a limit of […]