A number of Romney breeders have volunteered to assist with questions related to the association, sheep management, marketing, wool processing and needs specific to your program. Please use this resource in helping to realize results with your Romneys. Please go to the Membership Mentors page to see the PDF document listing the mentors.
This year is the first year we lambed on our farm. Lambs are so sweet and cute. They are even cute when they are first born. My ewe Sarah had two ram lambs. She licked them to clean them up and I thought that was really gross. When my mom said we had to go […]
Happy New Year! Here in Oregon we are heading into lambing season, as I am sure many Romney breeders throughout the country are. Some of you may have already started lambing or finished lambing already. Here in western Oregon we have mild, wet winters but this winter we have been experiencing lower rainfall than usual. […]
Mark your calendar and plan to attend the 2019 Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program Lambing Time Short Course and Bus Tour which will be held on February 8th and 9th in Pipestone. We have an excellent program planned and we will be touring outstanding sheep operations. The program starts with Friday evening discussion from 6:30 […]