2021 Lambing School is a GO! With the understanding that masks are required and all necessary precautions will be taken, the 2021 Lambing School sponsored by OSGA will be held on Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021 at Mont Alto Ranch in Glide, OR. Many thanks to coordinators, John Fine, Gene Pirelli, and Dr. Paul Bailey for […]
New website is now open:http://www.heritagesheepreproduction.comNew UK team member added, see website “About Us”:Jonathan Long is a UK-based technical writer and PR specialist with a background in livestock production and particularly sheep breeding. Jonathan will be working on website management, PR and information gathering in the UK as well as liaising with UK breed societies and […]
ARBA wants to give a big shout out to all Juniors (and Board Members) who participated in the FlipGrid activity and Virtual Quiz Bowl this past weekend. The videos were awesome and we had 20 returned, 11 from our youth membership and 9 from our Board members. The Quiz Bowl was held on Sunday where […]
Attending via Zoom: JoAnn Mast, secretary, and board members Penny Swearingen, Zane Van Horsen, Ken Gossard, Anne McIntyre Lahner, Patricia Sanville, Don Burgess, Emma Morton Rogers, Rick Trojanoski, Carol Pasheilich, Charlene Carlisle, Melissa Wubben and guest Phillip Simmonds. The meeting was called to order by Don Burgess, President, at 4:04 p.m. EDT, October 18, 2020. […]
The 2020 Annual Membership Meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association was called to order, via Zoom, by President Don Burgess at 4:12 p.m. EDT on Saturday, October 17. Don welcomed all participants and shared his hope that 2021 would find us meeting face to face in Puyallup, Washington. People joining the meeting include board […]
President, Don Burgess, called the meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association board to order at 1:08 p.m. EDT on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Although scheduled as part of the annual meeting weekend, due to restrictions in travel surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted via ZOOM. Don welcomed all in attendance, and asked […]