The Old Board Annual Meeting took place in West Springfield, MA on September 22, 2011 in conjunction with the ARBA National show and Sale at the Big E. Outgoing President, Cindy Cieciwa, called the meeting to order at 10:25 EST. In attendance were: President Cindy Cieciwa, as well as Directors Ron Andress, Christine Bazant, Scott […]
Out-going president Cindy Cieciwa welcomed ARBA members and the Board at the Annual Meeting held in the historic Storrowtown Tavern on the fairgrounds of the Big E, in West Springfield, MA. ARBA members from the following states were represented: CA, OR, NJ, PA, OH, MI, NY, CT, NH, RI, IA and IL. After a welcome, […]
President Ron Andress called the meeting to order at 9:12 am EST. In attendance were ARBA Board members Charlene Carlisle (Vice President),Tracy Haslem (At Large), Carol Pasheilich (At Large), Hilary Chapin (District 1), Ed Julian (District 3), Scott Culver (District 4) and Randy Thompson (District 5) as well as Secretary/Treasurer Christiane Payton. Ron Andress had […]