President, Don Burgess called the meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association board of directors to order at 1:07 p.m. EST on Saturday, March 6, 2021. The meeting was held via Zoom and roll was called by Burgess. Participating in the meeting were Burgess, Anne McIntyre-Lahner, Charlene Carlisle, Rick Trojanoski, Melissa Wubben, Emma Rogers, Patty […]
Sacramento, CA. – California Wool Growers Association (CWGA) is hosting the 101st Annual California Ram Sale on Saturday, April 10, 2021 at the International Agri-Center, Tulare, CA. Please see the document below for details. CWGA Ram Sale Press Release
President Don Burgess called the meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association to order at 1:03 p.m. EST on Saturday, January 23, 2021. The meeting was conducted using Zoom, and roll call was conducted by Burgess. In attendance were Burgess, Anne McIntyre-Lahner, Charlene Carlisle, Rick Trojanoski, Melissa Wubben, Emma Morton Rogers, Patty Sanville, Penny Swearingen, […]
New Year, New Faces! Starting this new year with new faces! As we prepare for lambing season it is a time to reflect on past show seasons and breeding results. We should look back at the 2020 accomplishments from the barn to the show ring. Some of you may have tried new show techniques that […]
Please join us online this year as we give the present the latest information on a variety of sheep industry topics and conduct the essential business of governing the American Sheep Industry AssociationWhen: January 28 – 29, 2021Where: We are virtual this year! After registration, you will receive directions to login and view the eventHow: Click here […]