The American Romney Breeders Association has participated in the Great Sheep Expedition. Jennifer Gunn and her husband have interviewed the ARBA secretary and received materials produced by the association to include in their research. Pictures, a DNA sample, Roving and Raw Wool samples have also been provided to represent the breed. The Romney breed was […]
New Board Meeting, September 9, 2017 – HUNTERDON County Fairground Meeting called to order at 12:09 EDT by President, Chris Posbergh. Sec/Treas reports same as presented at Old Board meeting. Reports will be forwarded to Emma Morton Rogers, newly elected District 1 Director. Roll Call: Chris, Randy Thompson, Charlene Carlisle, Sue Kalina, Anne McIntyre Lahner, […]
The annual meeting of the American Romney Breeders Association was called to order by President, Chris Posbergh, at 7:45 p.m. EDT at the Blue Fish Grill in Flemington, New Jersey. Introductions for all attending were completed, and board members attending included Chris Posbergh, Randy Thompson, Charlene Carlisle, Anne McIntyre-Lahner, Allison Seyfert, Emma Rogers, Sue Kalina […]
President Chris Posbergh called the meeting to order at 10:18 a.m. EDT. Minutes for the meeting were recorded by JoAnn Mast, ARBA secretary, via phone call from Chris and by Anne McIntyre-Lahner, Director at Large, in attendance throughout the meeting. Meeting attendance was confirmed by Chris, with the following in attendance at the board meeting: […]
Any sheep producer who is thinking about using Artificial Insemination (AI) to improve their flock genetics, should seriously consider attending the 2017 Symposium of the Dairy Sheep Association of North America, November 30 – December 2 in Orford, Quebec. The first day of this year’s Symposium will be devoted entirely to AI. Speakers from Canada, […]