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Trying to buy or sell sheep or wool products? Use our classifieds. ARBA members can post ads for free. New or modified ads must be approved by the administrator before they appear. Ads expire after 6 months but can be renewed using the code sent when the ad is submitted (use the Edit Ad link.)
Yearling Ewes

Yearling Ewes

Nice group of Romney yearling ewes to serve as that special Valentine's gift. White and natural colored, twins or triplets,...
Total views: 9
Price: $ 750.00
Lambs for sale

Lambs for sale

Welcome to Glen Laurel Farm. We are a quiet, small farm, who just love sheep in general. We currently have...
Total views: 41
Price: Free
Ewes and rams of various ages looking for new pastures!

Ewes and rams of various ages looking for new pastures!

Ewes and rams of various ages looking for new pastures! Romneys and crosses. Ewes may be exposed or confirmed bred...
Total views: 32
Price: Free
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