It’s time to put together the spring issue of the Romney Ramblings
ADVERTISING: If you would like to advertise in this issue, please notify me asap. I don’t want to overlook anyone who wants to advertise, and I would appreciate not having to track you down to find out if you want to run your ad. So please email or call me and let me know either way.
ARTICLES: If you have articles, or information about recent events, please send those to me as soon as soon as possible. I would also appreciate PHOTOS, either from events or pictures of your own flock. Same with CALENDAR EVENTS.
REGIONAL DIRECTORS: Please provide updates on your regions, and information about upcoming events in your districts.
DEADLINE: Deadline for submissions is Friday, March 25. But PLEASE send me your articles, ad information, articles and calendar events as soon as possible. I would really like to do much of the layout during my spring break which is March 21-25.