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Registration of Romney Sheep with ARBA

The ARBA registration form is provided below. Complete this form and a work order form, found under the Fee Schedule link, to Associated Registry (AR). AR does all new registrations and all transfers of ownership.

ARBA Registration Form (PDF document)

ARBA Registration Form (PDF with editable fields)

If you don’t already have the Adobe PDF reader installed, you can get it here.

Also refer to our Fee Schedule page, which includes a link to the ASR Work Order form.

ARBA Registrar

The Associated Sheep Registry processes all ARBA registrations and transfers. Checks should be made payable to American Romney Breeders Association. Mail registration and transfer applications to:

P.O. Box 27
Sedalia, Missouri 65302
Phone: 785-456-8500

Their office is open 8am-4:30pm, Central Time, Monday though Friday. They are very good at getting back to you if you have to leave a message.

All membership applications and renewals should be sent to the ARBA secretary:

Jodi Rametes
ARBA Executive Secretary/Treasurer
19744 South Butte Road
Beavercreek, OR 97004



The ewe or ewes, registry number(s): _____________________________________________________________
given as the dam(s) in this application was/were served in the time period of __________________
_______________, 20__, by the ram ____________________________, registry number ___________________.
SIGNED: _________________________________    (Owner of Service Ram)


1. Romney sheep may be admitted to registry as follows: (a) Animals that are immediate descendants of those heretofore recorded in the AMERICAN ROMNEY BREEDERS RECORD: (b) Animals not born in the United States must first be recorded in the respective foreign flock book. Offspring of such sheep will not be accepted for registration in the ARBA unless both parents are recorded in the respective flock book of the country of origin. (See Bylaws, Article VIII)

2. All, applications for registration shall be made on a form furnished by the Association. No application for registry shall be accepted unless accompanied by the proper fees and made on the Association form, fully filled out, and certified to and signed by the breeder and owner.

3. The BREEDER of an animal is the party owning the DAM at the time of service and directing the mating.

4. The OWNER is the party owning the DAM at the time the lamb is born. Even animal admitted to registry can only be registered as the dams are owned. However. any changes of ownership from the owner at the time of birth to the owner at the time of registry may be made by transfer. Registration and transfer may be made at the same time by payment of proper fees for both registration and transfer. The regular transfer fee will apply on ALL changes of ownership.

5. A certificate of service, appearing on the back side of applications (and also on this web page), must be signed by the owner of the service ram, except where said ram is shown by the record to have been owned by the breeder of the animal to be recorded at the time of service.

6. For all animals being registered, who have at least one parent who contains colored genes (signified by a “B” after the registration number), a color indicator must be entered. If the animal being registered is white, a “W” should be entered: if the animal is any other color, a “B” should be entered. If a colored offspring is born to white, non “B” factored parents, a “B” should also be entered.

7. Every animal to be recorded must have a flock name or character and private identification number. This must not be a pet name, but a name by which you desire to have all your Romneys registered. A breeder may wish to use their name, initials or a farm name or initials along with the private number. Each animal must have a different private identification number.

8. Every animal should wear a tag in the ear showing the private identification number and name or initial of the breeder, owner or applicant for registration.

9. If the Application for Registry is received after the end of the next calendar year following the year of birth it is considered a LATE REGISTRATION and shall have an additional fee assessed.

10. Entries, as soon as approved, will have REGISTRATION numbers assigned to them and Certificates of Registry bearing the registration numbers will be forwarded to the owner

11. A transfer of ownership of registered animals must be reported to the Secretary on the back of the original registration certificate and forwarded to the Association office with the proper transfer fees.

12. A transfer of ownership submitted more than 60 days after the date of sale is considered a LATE TRANSFER and shall have an additional fee assessed.

13. All application fees must be PAID IN ADVANCE. No applications will be considered until fees are paid.

14. Initial membership fee or annual membership dues in the American Romney Breeders Association must be paid and current for registration of sheep at Association rates. All memberships are non-transferable.

15. The question, “Who shall pay the transfer fee?” must be decided between the buyer and seller. PLEASE do not ask the Association Secretary to decide questions in dispute.

16. Junior membership in the ARBA is open to all youth under 20 years of age with the appropriate dues. All Junior, 4-H and FFA members are eligible to register animals at the regular member’s rates.

17. Registration of animals produced by Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transplant will be accepted only if special procedures and rules are met. Special forms may be requested from the Association office.

18. Any registered RAM may have a Christened Name added for a fee. This Christened Name will not replace the original name and flock number, but shall be in addition thereto. A Christened Name will not be duplicated to any other christened ram for a period of ten years and will appear on all future offspring’s registration papers. The Christened Name will be added to the original certificate of registry by sending the certificate to the Association office with the proper fee.

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