President’s message: October, 2010

The cool nights and (sometimes) bright days of fall are here, along with our rams’ favorite yearly event: breeding season. At this writing (early October), we are crossing our fingers in hopes that most of our ewes are safely bred. It seems somehow unjust that a ram that does his job well gets less of the inherent “perks” of the job, while one that does it badly gets more. It seems that life just ain’t fair, even to those whose only job is to eat, sleep and chase girls.
We have watched with interest (and participated ourselves, when we had the chance) in a variety of state and regional shows, and have been gratified at how well Romneys are represented there. You can read a bit about our trip to the ARBA annual meeting at the Mountain State Fair in the Fall issue of the Ramblings. We have also heard that Romneys had an excellent showing, both in terms of sheep and fleece shows, at the Big E and Pullyalup. Congratulations to all who participated and to all who plan to participate in such events, especially those who strive to get youngsters involved with our breed. It is not the easiest thing to take time off work, pack up the trailer, kids and sheep, and drive all night to the show just to arrive and spend most of the time fitting sheep, hoping the judge appreciates them half as much as you do, then turn around and do the whole thing in reverse. It’s not easy but it can be fun, educational and a great opportunity to catch up with (or meet some new) sheepie friends. We plan to attend one more event for the year, the NYSWF at Rhinebeck, NY in mid-October. We hope to see many of you at this event and at more in the spring.
Though it seems a long way off right now, the end of the calendar year is fast approaching. That means it will soon be time to renew your ARBA membership. Dues are $20 per voting member, and can be sent to ARBA Secretary Christiane Payton. You should be getting a postcard reminder in the mail, as well. Thank you for your continuing support of this, your American Romney Breeders Association.
Cindy Cieciwa