The 2012 New England Sheep Show and Sale was held in Springfield, MA in conjunction with the North East Youth Show last weekend. Romneys are always very well received in this geographical locale and this year was no exception. I am pleased to report that a new record was set for Romney ewes being sold […]
North East Youth Sheep Show (July 2012) This past weekend I once again made my annual trek to the NEYSS in Springfield, MA. As always it was great weekend with good people, good sheep and good food. The Romney show was the second largest breed show with 19 exhibitors and 79 entries from 7 states. […]
Come join us for ARBA’s centennial celebration at the District 4 Regional Show at the Oregon State Fair on August 24 and 25. Festivities start on August 23 at the 4:30 – 6:00 Meet & Greet to be held at the Willamette Heritage Center on 1313 Mill St. SE in Salem, OR. The banquet and […]
I have just returned from Iowa where the All American Jr Show took place this year. Des Moines was hot and sticky as was pretty much most of the US but the heat did not deter our youth. The barn temperatures were 108+ on Thursday, worse on Friday and then slightly hotter on Saturday, Sunday […]
In the Spring of 2012, ARBA members were able to take part in a survey through this website. The total number of surveys submitted was 37. The survey results are detailed in the following PDF: Spring 2012 ARBA Survey Results (485 KB PDF)
The 2012 election results are in! As in the previous 2 years, the votes were counted by our registrar, ASR. The winners are as follows: District 2: Chris Posbergh District 4: Scott Culver District 6: Jane Caulfield At Large: Margaret VanCamp Thank you to all of our candidates, for taking the time and spending the […]