Welcome to the ARBA Junior page – dedicated to our enthusiastic young members!
The ARBA mission statement for youth is:
“To encourage youth to care and maintain Romney sheep as a way of learning responsibility. To encourage youth to join with other Romney youth to learn sportsmanship, enhance social skills, ethical behavior, leadership traits and a better understanding of success and failure.”
For more information on Romneys for youth, see:
- Romneys for Youth eBooklet (1.8 MB PDF)
- Romneys for Youth Brochure (0.5 MB PDF)
- Junior Show Rules (24 KB Doc)
- ARBA 2025 Futurity Rules (108 KB PDF)
- ARBA Ewe-Lamb Futurity Points Card (42 KB PDF)
- 2025 ARBA Futurity Nomination Form (72 KB PDF)

The summer shows are fast approaching with many opportunities to promote the Romney breed while having a good time with friends and families. Although many of you attend local fairs and shows, I would like to encourage you to participate in shows outside of your normal arena. This year add […]
North East Youth Sheep Show (July 2012) This past weekend I once again made my annual trek to the NEYSS in Springfield, MA. As always it was great weekend with good people, good sheep and good food. The Romney show was the second largest breed show with 19 exhibitors and […]
I have just returned from Iowa where the All American Jr Show took place this year. Des Moines was hot and sticky as was pretty much most of the US but the heat did not deter our youth. The barn temperatures were 108+ on Thursday, worse on Friday and then […]
A raffle drawing for Little Hooves “Lotsa” will be held Sept 8, 2012 at the Garden State Sheep Breeders District 2’s Regional Show in New Jersey. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. “Lotsa” was donated by Little Hooves Romneys and all proceeds will go to sponsor Romney Juniors […]
Hi Gang, ARBA is looking forward to another great year with our youth. Shows and events are in the works and this is the 100th year of ARBA. The centennial celebration will offer some extra fun with new ARBA designs for awards, gifts and items for purchase. We hope that […]
Little Hooves Romneys of New Jersey will be donating a white ewe lamb for raffle this year that will benefit ARBA’s youth. All proceeds will be ear marked for two specific Junior shows with 2/3 going to the All American Jr Show and 1/3 going to NAILE’s JR Show. Raffle […]